SmartServer Service/Connect button not sending service messages (KB1447)

In some cases the SmartServer Configuration LON tab Service/Connect button doesn't seem to send out service pin messages.  
IzoT CT and IzoT Net Server neuron ids are called MAC ids on the SmartServer LON Configuration page.

If you are only using the SmartServer for routing or you haven't configure the CMS settings you may be able to do a restore to factory to get the Service/Connect button to send service pin messages. If you do a reset-to-database, restore to factory or re-image, make sure you change the SmartServer to IMM before trying to commission the routers. If you already configured the SmartServer then you can use this KB article to determine the appropriate MAC ids.

For IzoT CT and IzoT Net Server you can manually add the router or SmartServer IoT device (used with IzoT Net Export tool inex).
Some of the neuron ids (call MAC Ids on the LON Configuration page) are provided and some are not. The MAC ids for the routers when the network interface is on the IP-852 channel are provided on the LON configuration page.
If you are connecting the network interface on a FT-10, XF-2250 or power line channel then these MAC ids do not apply.

If the network interface is on the FT-10, XF-2250 or power line channel then you can figure out the MAC IDs by:

To use IzoT CT or IzoT Net Server you need to add a SmartServer IoT device the SmartServer IP-70 backbone channel. This requires you to know the correct MAC id which is normally sent when pressing the Service/Connect button.