To commission FT6010-based device, Izot Net Server must be set to use the LS enhanced mode.
The mode can be controlled using the new LnsProtocolMode.exe console application, installed in the LonWorks\bin folder.
The syntax is:
LnsProtocolMode <NetworkName> [<mode>]
<NetworkName> : The name of the LNS network
<mode>: The protocol mode to be set, Compatibility (or C) or Enhanced (or E)
If you omit the <mode> parameter , the current setting will be displayed.
For example, to find out what protocol mode LNS is currently, using open a command console and type the command as shown below:
C:\LonWorks\bin>LnsProtocolMode.exe "TestNetwork A"
Network 'TestNetwork A' is currently set to use COMPATIBILITY mode
To set the network “TestNetwork A” to use enhanced mode, open a command console and type the command as shown below:
C:\LonWorks\bin>LnsProtocolMode.exe "TestNetwork A" e
Network 'TestNetwork A' is currently set to use COMPATIBILITY mode
Successfully updated the network to use ENHANCED mode